- "Grigore Antipa" National Museum of Natural History (MSNGA), more
- Aarhus Entomologklub, more
- Academy of Sciences of Moldova (ASM), more
- Academy of Sciences of Moldova; Institute of Zoology (ASM), more
- Adam Mickiewicz University (UAM), more
- Adam Mickiewicz University; Collegium Polonicum (UAM), more
- Adam Mickiewicz University; Department of Geomorphology (UAM), more
- Adam Mickiewicz University; Department of Hydrobiology (UAM), more
- Adam Mickiewicz University; Faculty of Biology; Department of Water Protection (UAM-ZOW), more
- Adam Mickiewicz University; Geographical and Geological Sciences (UAM), more
- Adnan Menderes University, more
- Adnan Menderes University; Faculty of Arts and Sciences, more
- Adnan Menderes University; Faculty of Arts and Sciences; Department of Biology, more
- Agricultural University, more
- Agricultural University of Athens (AUA), more
- Agricultural University of Athens; Department of Crop Science (AUA), more
- Agricultural University of Athens; Faculty of Biology; Section of Animal & Human Physiology (AUA), more
- Agricultural University; Faculty of Agronomy, more
- Agricultural University; Faculty of Agronomy; Department of Botany and Agrometeorology, more
- Alexander Technological Educational Institute of Thessaloniki, more
- Alexander Technological Educational Institute of Thessaloniki; Department of Fisheries and Aquaculture, more
- Alexandru Ioan Cuza University; Faculty of Biology (UAIC), more
- Andalusian Malacological Society (AMA), more
- Andalusian Society of Entomology (SAE), more
- ANEMOON foundation - Analysis, Education and Marine Ecological Research, more
- Aragon Entomological Association (SEA), more
- Aranzadi Sciences Society, more
- Archelon - Sea Turtle Protection Society, more
- Aristotle University of Thessaloniki; Department of Biology; Laboratory of Zoology (AUTh), more
- Aristotle University of Thessaloniki; Faculty of Agriculture (AUTh), more
- Aristotle University of Thessaloniki; Faculty of Forestry and Natural Environment (AUTh), more
- Asociația Grădinilor Botanice din România (AGBR), more
- Asociatia Mynature (MYNA), more
- Asturian Association of Friends of Marine Life, more
- Asturian Ornithological Coordinator (COA), more
- Babes-Bolyai University; Department of Biology (UBB), more
- Bacau University; Faculty of Sciences; Department of Biology, more
- Balearic Group of Ornithology and Defence of Nature (GOB), more
- Bat Conservation Ireland, more
- Benaki Phytopathological Institute, more
- Benaki Phytopathological Institute; Department of Entomology and Agricultural Zoology, more
- Benaki Phytopathological Institute; Department of Phytopathology, more
- Biodiversity of Galicia (BIGA), more
- BirdLife Slovenia (DOPPS), more
- Black stork Bird Collective (COCN), more
- Botanic Garden "Ioulias & Alexandrou Diomidous", more
- Botanical society of Slovenia, more
- British Ornithologists' Union (BOU), more
- British Phycological Society (BPS), more
- Brukenthal National Museum, more
- Bulgarian Academy of Sciences; Bulgarian Geological Society (BGS), more
- Bulgarian Academy of Sciences; Bulgarian Herpetological Society (CLGE-BHS), more
- Bulgarian Academy of Sciences; Bulgarian Mycological Society (BMyS), more
- Bulgarian Academy of Sciences; Central Laboratory of General Ecology (CLGE), more
- Bulgarian Academy of Sciences; Forest Research Institute (FRI), more
- Bulgarian Academy of Sciences; Institute of Botany, more
- Bulgarian Academy of Sciences; Institute of Zoology (IZ), more
- Bulgarian Academy of Sciences; Institute of Zoology; Bulgarian Ichthyological Society (IZ-BIS), more
- Bulgarian Academy of Sciences; Institute of Zoology; Bulgarian Society for Parasitology (IZ-BSP), more
- Bulgarian Academy of Sciences; National Museum of Natural History (NMNH), more
- Bulgarian Academy of Sciences; National Museum of Natural History; Bulgarian Ornithological Society (NMNH-BOS), more
- Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds (BSPB), more
- Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University, more
- Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University; Arts and Sciences; Department of Biology, more
- Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University; Faculty of Arts and Sciences, more
- Catalan Institute of Natural History (ICHN), more
- Catalan Institute of Ornithology (ICO), more
- Catalan Society of Herpetology (SCH), more
- Catalan Society of Malacology (ACM), more
- Celal Bayar University, more
- Celal Bayar University; Faculty of Arts and Sciences, more
- Celal Bayar University; Faculty of Arts and Sciences; Department of Biology, more
- Centre for Cartography of Fauna and Flora (CKFF), more
- Centre for the Study and Conservation of Biodiversity (CNBF), more
- Centro de Investigación y Tecnología Agroalimentaria de Aragón (CITA), more
- CEU San Pablo University, more
- Comenius University in Bratislava (CUB), more
- Comenius University in Bratislava; Faculty of Natural Sciences (CUB), more
- Comenius University in Bratislava; Faculty of Natural Sciences; Department of Botany (CUB), more
- Conchological Society of Great Britain and Ireland, more
- Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas; Estación Agrícola Experimental (CSIC), more
- Conservation Services, more
- Cork County Bat Group, more
- Danish Lepidopterological Society, more
- Danish Mycological Society, more
- Danish Natural History Society (DNF), more
- Danish Society for Nature Conservation (DN), more
- Danish Zoologists and Conservationists, more
- Danube Delta National Institute for Research and Development (DDNI), more
- Daugavpils University, more
- Daugavpils University; Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics; Institute of Systematic Biology, more
- Democritus University of Thrace; Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics, more
- Department of Oceanography, more
- Dicle University, more
- Drustvo za proučevanje in ohranjanje metuljev Slovenije, more
- Dutch Bryological and Lichenological Society (BLWG), more
- Dutch Mammal Society, more
- Dutch Mycological Society (NMV), more
- Entomological Society of Turkey, more
- Entomologists of Fyn, more
- Environmental Protect and Fund for Evaluation of Package Wastes (CEVKO), more
- Eurofins Aquasense, more
- European and Mediterranean Plant Protection Organisation (EPPO), more
- European Association of Coleopterology (AEC), more
- Fisheries Research Institute of Slovenia, more
- Forest Research Institute (IBL), more
- Foundation Alga, more
- Foundation FLORON, more
- Free University of Berlin; Botanic Garden and Botanical Museum Berlin-Dahlem (FU Berlin-FUB-BGBM), more
- Gazi University; Faculty of Art and Sciences; Department of Biology, more
- Geological Society of Denmark (DGF), more
- Gorosti Society of Natural Sciences, more
- Göteborg University; Department of Systematic Botany (SYSTBOT), more
- Gothenburg Botanical Garden, more
- Goulandris Natural History Museum, more
- Guipuzkoa Entomology Association, more
- Harokopion University (HU), more
- Hellenic Botanical Society (HBS), more
- Hellenic Centre for Marine Research; Institute of Marine Biological Resources and Inland Waters (HCMR), more
- Hellenic Centre for Marine Research; Institute of Marine Biology, Biotechnology and Aquaculture (HCMR-IMBCC), more
- Hellenic Entomological Society (HES), more
- Hellenic Herpetological Society (HHS), more
- Hellenic Institute of Speleological Research, more
- Hellenic Ornithological Society (HOS), more
- Hellenic Phycological Society (HPS), more
- Hellenic Zoological Society (HZS), more
- Herpetology Association of Granada (AHG), more
- Horsens - clean Fjord, more
- Hunters Federation of Macedonia & Thrace, more
- Iberian Association of Limnology (AIL), more
- Iberian Group of Arachnology (GIA), more
- Ilia Chavchavadze State University; Faculty of Life Sciences (ISU), more
- Ilia State University; Institute of Zoology (ISU), more
- Inland Fisheries Institute (IRS), more
- Institute of Biological Research (ICB), more
- Institute of Botany (Lithuania); Lithuanian Mycological Society (NRC-LMD), more
- Institute of Technology Sligo, more
- Institute of Zoology, more
- Institute of Zoology; Department of Water Animals, more
- Instituto Andaluz de Investigación y Formación Agraria, Pesquera, Alimentaria y de la Produción Ecológica (IFAPA), more
- Instituto de Educación Secundaria Torre del Prado, more
- Instituto de Estudios Ceutíes, more
- Institutul National de Cercetare-Dezvoltare Delta Dunarii (INCDDD), more
- Italian Herpetological Society (SHI), more
- Italian Malacological Society (SIM), more
- Italian National Research Council; Institute for Ecosystem Studies (CNR-ISE), more
- Italian National Research Council; Institute of Marine Sciences (CNR-ISMAR), more
- Italian National Research Council; Institute of Marine Sciences; Section of Ancona; Fishery Biology Unit (CNR), more
- Italian National Research Council; Istituto per lo Studio degli Ecosistemi - Sede di Firenze (CNR-ISE), more
- Italian Theriological Association (Atit), more
- Jagiellonian University in Krakow, more
- Jagiellonian University in Krakow; Department of Plant Taxonomy and Phytogeography, more
- Jagiellonian University in Krakow; Faculty of Biology and Earth Sciences, more
- Jan Kochanowski University of Humanities and Sciences; Faculty of Mathematics and Science; Institute of Biology; Department of Botany, more
- John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin; Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences; Institute of Environment Protection; Department of Botany and Hydrobiology, more
- Jydsk Forening for Naturvidenskab (JFFN), more
- Klaipeda University, more
- Klaipeda University; Coastal Research and Planning Institute (CORPI), more
- Koeman en Bijkerk nv, more
- Latvia University of Agriculture; Faculty of Agriculture; Latvia State Institute of Fruit-Growing, more
- Limnos, more
- Linnean Society of London, more
- Lithuanian Ornithological Society (LOD), more
- Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu; Faculty of Sciences; Department of Ecology and Environment Protection, more
- Lund University, more
- Lund University; Faculty of Science, more
- Lund University; Faculty of Science; Botanical Museum, more
- Lund University; Faculty of Science; Department of Biology, more
- Lund University; Faculty of Science; Museum of Zoology, more
- Lund University; Plant Ecology and Systematics, more
- Lutra institute for conservation of national heritage, more
- Malacological Society of London, more
- Maria Curie-Sklodowska University; Faculty of Biology and Earth Sciences; Department of Botany and Mycology, more
- Marine and Fisheries Research Institute Batumi, more
- Marine Biological Association of the UK (MBA), more
- Marine Organism Investigations, more
- Maritime Institute Gdañsk (IM), more
- Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Chania, more
- Midtsjællands Naturhistoriske Forening, more
- Ministerie van Infrastructuur en Milieu; Rijkswaterstaat; Waterdienst (IenW), more
- Ministry of Environment and Forests (OCB), more
- Muğla University, more
- Muğla University; Arts and Sciences; Department of Biology, more
- Muğla University; Faculty of Arts and Sciences, more
- Museo de Zoología de Barcelona; Catalan Society of Lepidopterology (SCL), more
- Museum of Oltenia, more
- National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine; Institute of Biology of the Southern Seas (NASU-IBSS), more
- National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine; M.G. Kholodnyi Institute of Botany (NASU), more
- National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine; M.G. Kholodnyi Institute of Botany; Department of Mycology (NASU), more
- National Agricultural Research Foundation; Fisheries Research Institute (NAGREF-FRI), more
- National Agricultural Research Foundation; Forest Research (NAGREF), more
- National Agricultural Research Foundation; Mediterranean Forest Ecosystems and Forest Products Technology (NAGREF), more
- National and Kapodistrian University of Athens; Department of Biology; Section of Ecology and Taxonomy (NKUA), more
- National and Kapodistrian University of Athens; Section of Zoology- Marine Biology (NKUA), more
- National Biodiversity Data Centre, more
- National Institute of Biology (NIB), more
- National Institute of Biology; Marine Biological Station Piran (NIB-MBS), more
- National Museum of Wales (NMGW), more
- National Museums of Northern Ireland (NMNI), more
- Natural History Museum (NHM), more
- Natural History Museum "Giacomo Doria" of Genova, more
- Natural History Museum "Giacomo Doria" of Genova; Italian Entomological Society (SEI), more
- Natural History Museum of Carmagnola, more
- Natural History Museum of Ferrara, more
- Natural History Museum of Grosseto, more
- Natural History Museum of Latvia; Department of Zoology (LDM), more
- Natural History Museum of Latvia; Latvian Mycological Society (LDM-LMB), more
- Natural History Museum of Venezia, more
- Natural History Museum of Verona, more
- Natural History Museum; British Lichen Society (NHM-BLS), more
- Natural History Society of Bornholm, more
- Natural History Society of Horsens, more
- Natural History Society of Jylland, more
- Natural History Society of Randers, more
- Natural History Society of Vejle, more
- Natural Park Lunca Muresului, more
- Naturalis Biodiversity Center (NBC), more
- Nature & Youth (NOGU), more
- Nature Conservation Agency of the Czech Republic (NCA CR), more
- Nature East, more
- Nature Research Centre (NRC), more
- Nature Research Centre; Institute of Botany (NRC), more
- Nature Research Centre; Institute of Ecology (NRC-EKOI), more
- Nature Society (DD), more
- Naturforeningen i Gedved Kommune, more
- Naturhistorisk Forening for Nordsjælland, more
- Naturhistorisk Forening for Nyborg og Omegn, more
- Naturhistorisk Forening for Sønderjylland, more
- Naturhistorisk Forening for Sydvestjylland, more
- Naturhistorisk Museums Venneforening, more
- Nederlandse Malacologische Vereniging, more
- Nepenthes, more
- Nicolaus Copernicus University, more
- Nicolaus Copernicus University; Faculty of Biology and Earth Sciences, more
- Nicolaus Copernicus University; Institute of Ecology and Environment Protection, more
- Nordisk Lichenologisk Forening, more
- Nordjysk Forening for Naturvidenskab (NFFN), more
- Nordjysk Lepidopterologklub, more
- Nordvestsjællands Naturhistoriske Forening (NVNF), more
- Norwegian University of Science and Technology; Norwegian Biodiversity Information Centre (Artsdatabanken) (NTNU-NBIC), more
- Notranjska museum Postojna, more
- Østjysk Biologisk Forening (ØBF), more
- Ovidius University; Department of Biology, more
- Ovidius University; Faculty of Natural Science, more
- Pelagos Cetacean Research Insitute, more
- Plant Protection Institute, more
- Plantenziektenkundige Dienst (PD), more
- Plymouth Marine Laboratory (PML), more
- Polish Academy of Sciences; Institute for Agricultural and Forest Environment (PAN-IAFE), more
- Polish Academy of Sciences; Institute of Ecology; Lublin Research Station (PAN), more
- Polish Academy of Sciences; Institute of Nature Conservation (PAN-INCPAS), more
- Polish Academy of Sciences; Institute of Oceanology (PAN-IOPAN), more
- Polish Academy of Sciences; Institute of Oceanology; Departement of Marine Ecology (PAN-IOPAN), more
- Polish Academy of Sciences; Władysław Szafer Institute of Botany (PAN-IB PAN), more
- Polish Academy of Sciences; Władysław Szafer Institute of Botany; Mycology (PAN), more
- Polish Academy of Sciences; Władysław Szafer Institute of Botany; Phycology (PAN), more
- Polish Botanical Society (PTB), more
- Polish Hydrobiological Society (PTH), more
- Polish Phycological Society (PTF), more
- Polish Phytopathological Society (PTFit), more
- Poznań University of Life Sciences (UP), more
- Poznań University of Life Sciences; Faculty of Horticulture; Department of Botany (UP), more
- Radboud University Nijmegen; Foundation Bargerveen (NCN), more
- Regional Natural History Museum of Plovdiv (RNHMP), more
- Reptielen Amfibieën Vissen Onderzoek Nederland (RAVON), more
- Research Centre Casaccia (ENEA), more
- Research Centre for Agricultural Biology and Pedology (CRA-ABP), more
- Riga Zoo (RZD), more
- Roma Tre University; Department of Biology, more
- Romanian Academy; Emil Racovitza Speleological Institute, more
- Romanian Academy; Institute of Biology; Ecology, Taxonomy and Nature Conservation Centre, more
- Romanian Herpetological Society (SHR), more
- Romanian Ichthyology Society (RIS), more
- Romanian Lepideptorological Society (SLR), more
- Romanian Limnological Society (SL), more
- Romanian Ornithological Society (SOR), more
- Romanian Waters Bistrita, more
- Rome Entomological Association (ARDE), more
- Royal Albert Memorial Museum & Art Gallery (RAMM), more
- Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh (RBGE), more
- Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew (Kew), more
- Royal Spanish Society of Natural History (RSHN), more
- Sapientia University; Faculty of Sciences and Arts, more
- Sapientia University; Faculty of Sciences and Arts; Department of Environmental Science, more
- Sea Fisheries Institute in Gdynia, more
- Selskabet for Naturlærens Udbredelse (SNU), more
- Simon Janashia Museum of Georgia, more
- Slovak Academy of Sciences; Institute of Botany (IBSAS), more
- Slovak Academy of Sciences; Institute of Zoology, more
- Slovak Academy of Sciences; Slovak Botanical Society (IBSAS-SBS), more
- Slovak Academy of Sciences; Slovak Limnological Society (SLS), more
- Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts (SASA), more
- Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts; Scientific research centre (SASA), more
- Slovenian Association for bat research and conservation (SDPVN), more
- Slovenian institute of forestry, more
- Slovenian Museum of Natural History, more
- Slovensko entomolosko drustvo Stevana Michielija, more
- Slovensko odonatolosko drustvo (SOD), more
- Sociedad Cultural de Investigación Submarina (INSUB), more
- Societatea Fitosociologica Romana, more
- Societatea Națională Științifică de Biologie, more
- Societatea Romana de Micololgie “Mihai Toma”, more
- Societatii Romane de Entomologie Generala si Aplicata (SOREGA), more
- Society for the study of Amphibians and Reptiles, more
- Society of Biologist in Westjylland (BFN), more
- Society of Bird Research (KAD), more
- Society of Entomologists, more
- Society of Entomologists on Fyn (ESFF), more
- Society of Flora Researchs (FDA), more
- Society of Nature-researchers of Latvia (LDPB), more
- Society of Protect of Natural Places of Turkey (TTKD), more
- Spanish Association of Entomology (AEE), more
- Spanish Society for the Preservation and Study of Bats (SECEMU), more
- Spanish Society for the Preservation and Study of Mammals (SECEM), more
- Spanish Society of Cetacean (SEC), more
- Spanish Society of Malacology (SEM), more
- Spanish Society of Ornithology (SEO), more
- Spanish Society of Parasitology (SOCEP), more
- Spanish-Portuguese-American Society of Lepidopterology (SHILAP), more
- State Institute for Nature Protection (SINP), more
- Stichting European Invertebrate survey-Nederland, more
- Stockholm County Administrative Board, more
- Study group of Odonata of Catalunya, more
- Swedish Museum of Natural History (NRM), more
- Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU), more
- Systematics Association, more
- Tadas Ivanauskas Zoological Museum, more
- Tatas Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, more
- Tbilisi Botanical Garden, more
- Tbilisi State University (TSU), more
- Tbilisi State University; Faculty of Biology; Institute of Biology (TSU), more
- Technological Educational Institution of Crete, more
- Technological Educational Institution of Crete; School of Agricultural Technology, more
- Technological Educational Institution of Crete; School of Agricultural Technology; Department of Crop Science, more
- Technological Educational Institution of Kavala, more
- Technological Educational Institution of Kavala; Department of Forestry & Natural Environment Management, more
- Tel-Aviv University; Faculty of Life Sciences, more
- Tel-Aviv University; Faculty of Life Sciences; School of Zoology; National Collections of Natural History, more
- Tel-Aviv University; School of Zoology, more
- The Academy of Romanian Scientists (AOS), more
- The Association for Bird and Nature Protection "Milvus Group", more
- The Danish Botanical Society, more
- The Danish Bryological Society, more
- The Danish Dendrological Society, more
- The Danish Entomological Society (DEF), more
- The Danish Ornithological Society (DOF), more
- The Danish Rangers Association, more
- The Danish Society for Amateur Geologists (DAGU), more
- The Danish Society for Marine Biologist (Dsfmb), more
- The Danish Society of Biologist, more
- The Danish Society of Mammals, more
- The Danish Society of Marine Mammals, more
- The Danish Society of Ringing, more
- The Danish Student Society for Nature Conservation, more
- The Danish Youth Association of Science (UNF), more
- The Fisheries Society of the British Isles (FSBI), more
- The Foundation for Environmental Protection and Research (CEVKOR), more
- The Foundation for the Promotion and Protection of the Environment and Cultural Heritage (CEKUL), more
- The Hebrew University of Jerusalem (HUJI), more
- The Hebrew University of Jerusalem; National Collections of Natural History (HUJI), more
- The Hebrew University of Jerusalem; National Collections of Natural History; Mollusc Section (HUJI), more
- The Irish Whale and Dolphin Group (IWDG), more
- The Mihai Eminescu Trust, more
- The Natural History Museum of Bacau (MSNB), more
- The Natural History Museum of Galati (MSNG), more
- The Northern Society of Herpetology (NHF), more
- The Research Association of Rural Environment and Forestry (RAREF), more
- The Romanian Ecological Society (RES), more
- The Royal Danish Geographical Society, more
- The Shark Trust, more
- The Sir Alister Hardy Foundation for Ocean Science (SAHFOS), more
- The Society of Danish Biologists (EMU FaDB), more
- The Turkish Foundation for Combating Soil Eresion, for Reforestration and the protection of Natural habitats. (TEMA), more
- The University of Manchester; Manchester Museum, more
- Trakia University, more
- Trakia University; Faculty of Agriculture, more
- Trakya University (TU), more
- Trakya University; Faculty of Arts and Sciences (TU), more
- Trakya University; Faculty of Arts and Sciences; Department of Biology (TU), more
- Turkish Association for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (TTKD), more
- Turkish Environmental and Woodlands Protection Society (TURCEK), more
- Turkish Environmental Education Fund (TURCEV), more
- Turkish Marine Environment Protection Association (TURMEPA), more
- Turkish Marine Research Foundation (TUDAV), more
- Turkish Woodmans Society, more
- Uludag University, more
- Uludag University; Faculty of Agriculture, more
- Uludag University; Faculty of Arts and Sciences; Department of Biology, more
- Umea University (UU), more
- Università degli Studi di Catania; Faculty of Agriculture; Department of Phytosanitary Science and Technology (DISTEF), more
- Università degli studi di SASSARI; Dipartimento di Zoologia e Genetica Evoluzionistica (DIZAB), more
- Università di Parma; Department of Environmental Sciences, more
- Universiteit van Amsterdam (UvA), more
- Universiteit van Amsterdam; Earth and Life Sciences (UvA), more
- University "Mediterranea"; Department for the Management of Agricultural and Forestry Systems, more
- University of Bialystok, more
- University of Bialystok; Institute of Biology, more
- University of Bialystok; Institute of Biology; Department of Hydrobiology, more
- University of Bielsko-Biala; Institute of Engineering and environmental protection; Department of Biology and Environmental Chemistry, more
- University of Bucharest; Faculty of Biology, more
- University of Catania, more
- University of Catania; Department of Animal Biology, more
- University of Craiova; Faculty of Horticulture; Department of Biology, more
- University of Crete; Department of Biology (UoC), more
- University of Crete; Faculty of Medicine, more
- University of Cyprus, more
- University of Cyprus; Faculty of Pure and Applied Sciences, more
- University of Cyprus; Faculty of Pure and Applied Sciences; Department of Biological Sciences, more
- University of Florence; Department of Agricultural Biotechnology, more
- University of Forestry; Bulgarian Entomological Society (BES), more
- University of Forestry; Faculty of Forestry; Department of Hunting and Game Management, more
- University of Gdansk; Faculty of Biology, Geography and Oceanology (UG-BGO), more
- University of Gdansk; Faculty of Biology, Geography and Oceanology; Institute of Oceanography (UG-IO-BGO), more
- University of Gdansk; Faculty of Biology, Geography and Oceanology; Institute of Oceanography; Biology and Marine Ecology (UG-ZBIEM), more
- University of Gdansk; Faculty of Biology, Geography and Oceanology; Institute of Oceanography; Culture Collection of Baltic Algae (UG-CCBA), more
- University of Gdansk; Faculty of Biology, Geography and Oceanology; Institute of Oceanography; Marine Ecosystems Functioning (UG-ZFEM), more
- University of Gdansk; Intercollegiate Faculty of Biotechnology (UG), more
- University of Genova; Facoltà di Scienze Matematiche Fisiche e Naturali; Dipartimento per lo Studio del Territorio e delle sue Risorse (DIP.TE.RIS), more
- University of Gothenburg, more
- University of Gothenburg; Faculty of Science, more
- University of Havana, more
- University of Ioannina; Department of Biological Applications and Technologies (UI), more
- University of Ioannina; Department of Environmental and Natural Resources Management (UI), more
- University of Istanbul, more
- University of Istanbul; Faculty of Sciences, more
- University of Istanbul; Faculty of Sciences; Department of Biology, more
- University of L'Aquila; Department of Environmental Sciences, more
- University of Latvia; Entomological Society of Latvia (LU-LEB), more
- University of Latvia; Faculty of Biology; Department of Zoology and Animal Ecology (LU), more
- University of Latvia; Institute of Aquatic Ecology (LU), more
- University of Latvia; Institute of Biology (LU), more
- University of Latvia; Latvian Botanical Society (LU-LBB), more
- University of Latvia; Malacological Society of Latvia (LU-LMB), more
- University of Life Sciences in Lublin; Department of Hydrobiology, more
- University of Life Sciences in Lublin; Faculty of Horticulture; Department of General Ecology, more
- University of Ljubljana; Biotechnical Faculty; Department of Biology, more
- University of Ljubljana; Biotechnical Faculty; Department of Forestry, more
- University of Lodz; Dept. Invertebrate Zoology & Hydrobiology, more
- University of Lodz; Faculty of Biology and Environmental Protection; Department of Algology and Mycology, more
- University of Maribor, more
- University of Maribor; Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, more
- University of Maribor; Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics; Department of Biology, more
- University of Milano Bicocca; Department of Biology, more
- University of Milano; Department of Agri-Food and Urban System Protection and Biodiversity Enhancement (DiPSA), more
- University of Modena e Reggio Emilia; Department of Animal Biology (UNIMORE), more
- University of Molise; Department of Environmental, Animal and Vegetal Sciences (S.A.V.A.), more
- University of Oradea; Faculty of Science; Department of Biology (UO), more
- University of Padova; Department of Biology (UNIPD-DiBio), more
- University of Padova; Department of Environmental Agronomy and Crop Productions (UNIPD), more
- University of Padova; Department of Public Health, General Pathology and Veterinary Hygiene (UNIPD), more
- University of Padua; Dipartiment di Biologia, more
- University of Palermo; Department of Animal Biology (UNIPA), more
- University of Parma; Department of Functional and Evolutionary Biology, more
- University of Perugia; Department of Arboriculture and Plant Protection, more
- University of Perugia; Department of Biopathological Scienzes; Section of Parassitology, more
- University of Perugia; Department of Environmental and Cell Biology (DBCA), more
- University of Pisa; Department of Cultivation and Preservation of Ligneous Species "G. Scaramuzzi" (CDSL), more
- University of Plovdiv "Paisii Hilendarski"; Faculty of Biology, more
- University of Plovdiv "Paisii Hilendarski"; Faculty of Biology; Bulgarian Malacological Society (BMaS), more
- University of Plovdiv "Paisii Hilendarski"; Faculty of Biology; Department of Botany, more
- University of Plovdiv "Paisii Hilendarski"; Faculty of Biology; Department of Zoology, more
- University of Podlasie; Faculty of Life Sciences; Plant Protection (AP), more
- University of Primorska, more
- University of Roma "Tor Vergata"; Department of Public Health and Cell Biology, more
- University of Rome La Sapienza, more
- University of Rome La Sapienza; Department of Sciences and Public Health, more
- University of Rome La Sapienza; Italian Zoological Union (UZI), more
- University of Salento; Dipartimento di Scienze e Tecnologie Biologiche e Ambientali (UNILE-DiSTeBA), more
- University of Shkodra; Faculty of Natural Sciences, more
- University of Siena; Department of Evolutionary Biology, more
- University of Siena; Department of Physical sciences, Earth and environment (DSFTA), more
- University of Sofia "St. Kliment Ohridski", more
- University of Sofia "St. Kliment Ohridski"; Bulgarian Botanical Society (BBS), more
- University of Sofia "St. Kliment Ohridski"; Faculty of Biology, more
- University of Sofia "St. Kliment Ohridski"; Faculty of Biology; Bulgarian Lepidopterological Society (BLS), more
- University of St Andrews; Sea Mammal Research Unit (USTAN-SMRU), more
- University of Szczecin; Faculty of Natural Sciences; Department of Botany and Nature Protection, more
- University of Szczecin; Faculty of Natural Sciences; Department of Paleooceanology, more
- University of Szczecin; Faculty of Natural Sciences; Institute of Marine Sciences, more
- University of Technology and Life Sciences; Faculty of Agriculture; Department of Botany and Ecology, more
- University of Technology and Life Sciences; Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering; Environment Modeling and Conservation, more
- University of the Aegean, more
- University of the Aegean; Department of Environment, more
- University of the Aegean; Department of Environment; Biodiversity Conservation Laboratory (BCL), more
- University of the Aegean; Department of Geography, more
- University of the Azores; Azorean Biodiversity Group (UAC-GBA), more
- University of Thessaly; Department of Agriculture Crop Production and Rural Environment (TUC), more
- University of Thessaly; Faculty of Veterinary Science; Laboratory of Parasitology and Parasitic Diseases (TUC), more
- University of Turin; Department of Animal and Human Biology, more
- University of Tuscia - Viterbo; Department of Ecology and Sustainable Development (DECOS), more
- University of Tuscia - Viterbo; Department of Environmental Sciences (DISA), more
- University of Tuscia - Viterbo; Department of Plant Protection (DIPROP), more
- University of Urbino; Research Centre for Biodiversity and Conservation, more
- University of Valencia, more
- University of Valencia; Faculty of Biology, more
- University of Valencia; Faculty of Biology; Department of Zoology, more
- University of Wales Swansea; Biological Sciences, more
- University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn (UWM), more
- University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn; Faculty of Biology; Botany and Nature Conservation (UWM), more
- University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn; Faculty of Law and Administration (UWM), more
- University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn; The Faculty of Environmental Protection and Fisheries; Department of Applied Ecology (UWM), more
- Uppsala University, more
- Uppsala University; Department of Organismal Biology; Systematic Biology, more
- Uppsala University; Evolutionary Biology Centre, more
- Uppsala University; Evolutionary Biology Centre; Department of Evolution, Genomics and Systematics (EGS), more
- Uppsala University; Museum of Evolution, more
- Uppsala University; The Linnaean Gardens of Uppsala, more
- V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, more
- Valencia Ornithological Society (SVO), more
- Vereniging tot Behoud van Natuurmonumenten in Nederland, more
- Vilnius Pedagogical University, more
- Vilnius University, more
- Vilnius University; Faculty of Natural Sciences, more
- Vilnius University; Faculty of Natural Sciences; Department of Botany and genetics, more
- Vilnius University; Faculty of Natural Sciences; Department of Zoology, more
- Vilnius University; Lithuanian Entomological Society (NRC-LED), more
- Vilnius University; Lithuanian Hydrobiological Society (NRC-LHD), more
- Vilnius University; Lithuanian Theriological Society (NRC-LTD), more
- Vlinderstichting, more
- Wageningen University and Research Centre (WUR), more
- Wageningen University and Research Centre; Alterra (WUR), more
- Warsaw University (UW), more
- Warsaw University; Faculty of Biology; Environmental Botany (UW), more
- Warsaw University; Faculty of Biology; Systematics and Geography of Plants (UW), more
- Water Research Institute (WRI), more
- West Pomeranian University of Technology; Faculty of Biotechnology and Animal Husbandry, more
- West Pomeranian University of Technology; Faculty of Biotechnology and Animal Husbandry; Botany and Nature Conservation, more
- West Pomeranian University of Technology; Faculty of Environmental Management and Agriculture, more
- West Pomeranian University of Technology; Faculty of Environmental Management and Agriculture; Plant Protection, more
- West Pomeranian University of Technology; Faculty of Food Sciences and Fisheries, more
- West Pomeranian University of Technology; Faculty of Food Sciences and Fisheries; Hydrobiology, more
- West University of Timisoara; Faculty of Chemistry, Biology, and Geography (UVT), more
- West University of Timisoara; Faculty of Chemistry, Biology, and Geography; Department of Biology (UVT), more
- World Museum Liverpool, more
- World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF), more
- World Wide Fund for Nature; World Wide Fund for Nature - Turkey (WWF), more
- World Wide Fund for Nature; WWF - Hellas (WWF), more
- Wroclaw University of Environmental and Life Sciences; Faculty of Life Sciences and Technology; Department of Botany and Plant Ecology, more
- Xarxa Telematica Educativa de Catalunya, more
- Yaban Hayatini Arastirma ve Rehabilitasyon Dernegi (YARD), more
- Zoological Museum of Rome, more
- Zoological Society of Extremadura, more
- Zoological Society of London (ZSL), more