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Institute of Biology of the Southern Seas (NASU-IBSS)
This institute has changed, see institute underneath
Institute of Marine Biological Research (IMBR)

Russian name: Институт биологии Южных морей
Parent institute: National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (NASU)

Thesaurus terms (7) : Biodiversity; Biology; Coastal zone management; Dynamics; Ecology; Marine ecosystem; Protection of the sea
2 Nakhimov av.
299011 Sevastopol

Tel.: +380-(0)692-54 41 10
 Persons | Institutes | Publications | Projects 
Type: Scientific
Level: University

Persons (46)  Top | Institutes | Publications | Projects 

Associated to an institute part (28)

Person formerly associated with this organization

Child institutes (6)  Top | Persons | Publications | Projects 
  • National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine; Institute of Biology of the Southern Seas; Biophysical Ecology Department (NASU-IBSS-BED)
  • National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine; Institute of Biology of the Southern Seas; Department of mariculture and applied oceanology (NASU)
  • National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine; Institute of Biology of the Southern Seas; Department of plankton (NASU)
  • National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine; Institute of Biology of the Southern Seas; Department of Radiation and Chemical Biology (NASU)
  • National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine; Institute of Biology of the Southern Seas; Library (NASU-IBSS Library)
  • National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine; Institute of Biology of the Southern Seas; Odessa Branch (NASU-OB IBSS)

Today IBSS is the largest Ukrainian marine research centre, which conducts investigations into the biology, ecology and protection of the sea, multiple aspects of marine ecosystem biodiversity and dynamics, and new biotechnologies and methods for integral coastal zone management

Publications (7)  Top | Persons | Institutes | Projects 
    ( 7 peer reviewed ) split up filter
  • Peer reviewed article Vladymyrov, V.; Kideys, A.E.; Myroshnychenko, V.; Slipetsky, D.; Shiganova, T.; Abolmasova, G.; Bingel, F.; Tezcan, D.; Ak, Y.; Anninsky, B.; Bat, L.; Finenko, G.; Gorbunov, V.; Isinibilir, M.; Kamburska, L.; Mihneva, V.; Birinci Ozdemir, Z.; Romanova, Z.; Sergeyeva, O.; Stefanova, K.; Xalvashi, M. (2011). A basin-wide Black Sea Mnemiopsis leidyi database. Aquat. Invasions 6(1): 115-122. https://dx.doi.org/10.3391/ai.2011.1.15, more
  • Peer reviewed article Greinert , J.; Artemov, Y.; Egorov, V.; De Batist, M.; McGinnis, D. (2006). 1300-m-high rising bubbles from mud volcanoes at 2080m in the Black Sea: Hydroacoustic characteristics and temporal variability. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 244(1-2): 1-15. dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.epsl.2006.02.011, more
  • Peer reviewed article Artemov, Yu. G.; Greinert, J.; McGinnis, D.; De Batist, M.; Egorov, V.N. (2005). Dispersed methane flux to the water column from natural gas bubble streams at the Black Sea shelf. Geophys. Res. Abstr. 7: 01361, more
  • Peer reviewed article Greinert, J.; Artemov, Y.; McGinnis, D. F.; Naudts, L.; Linke, P. (2005). Methane Fluxes from a High Intensity Seep Area west of Crimea, Black Sea. Geophys. Res. Abstr. 7: 03035, more
  • Peer reviewed article Gulin, S. B.; Greinert, J.; Egorov, V.N.; De Batist, M.; Artemov, Yu. G. (2005). Observation of microbial carbonate build-ups growing at methane seeps near the upper boundary of the gas-hydrate stability zone in the Black Sea. Mar. Ecol. J. 4(3): 5-14, more
  • Peer reviewed article Gulin, S. B.; Polikarpov, G. G.; Egorov, V. N.; Artemov, Yu. G.; Gulin, M. B.; De Batist, M. (2005). The age of microbial build-ups growing at methane seeps of the Black Sea abyssal basin. Geophys. Res. Abstr. 7: 00247, more
  • Peer reviewed article Gulin, S. B.; Greinert, J.; Egorov, V. N.; De Batist, M.; Artemov, Yu. G. (2005). Microbial carbonate build-ups at methane seeps near the upper boundary of the gas-hydrate stability zone in the Black Sea: results of EU project CRIMEA. Geophys. Res. Abstr. 7: 04373, more

Projects (7)  Top | Persons | Institutes | Publications 
  • EMODNET BIO I: European Marine Observation and Data Network - Biology Lot
  • EMODNET BIO II: European Marine Observation and Data Network - Biology Lot II
  • MarBEF: Marine Biodiversity and Ecosystem Functioning - EU Network of Excellence
  • Ocean Ukraine: Strengthening the oceanographic data management and operational forecast services at IBSS and MHI, Ukraine
  • PERSEUS: Policy-oriented marine Environmental Research in the Southern European Seas
  • PESI: A Pan-European Species directories Infrastructure
  • SEADATANET II: Pan-European infrastructure for Ocean & Marine Data Management

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