This institute is the successor of the institute underneath Expert Center For Taxonomic Identification - BioInformatics (NBC-ETI) Netherlands Centre for Biodiversity Naturalis (NCB Naturalis) Zoologisch Museum Amsterdam (UvA-UVA-ZMA)
Previous name: Netherlands Centre for Biodiversity Naturalis (NCB Naturalis), more
Address: Postbus 9517
2300 RA Leiden Netherlands
| | Tel.: +31-(0)71-568 76 00
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1 Director: Head of the department 2 Marine scientist: Works in this research group and acts as (co-)author in at least one marine publication in the last 5 years. 3 Specialized personnel: Provides administrative or technical support to marine scientific research.
Persons (31) |
Top | Institute | Publications | Projects | Events |
- Beentjes, Kevin
- Breure, Abraham
- Breure, Bram
- de Voogd, Nicole
- de Winter, Ton
- Dieleman, Francien
- Duistermaat, Leni
- Faasse, Marco
- Fransen, Charles
- Gittenberger, Edmund
- Goud, Jeroen
- Hiemstra, Auke-Florian
- Huijbregts, Hans
- Kleukers, Roy
- Kriegsman, Leo
- Kronenberg, Gijs
- Noordeloos, Machiel
- Pepermans, Caroline
- Reemer, Menno
- Renema, Willem
- Samimi-Namin, Kaveh
- Schilthuizen, Menno
- Smit, Harry
- Smit, John
- ten Hove, Harry
- van der Meij, Sancia
- van Nieukerken, Erik
- van Soest, Rob
- van Tol, Jan
- Vonk, Ronald
- Wesselingh, Frank
Associated to an institute part (4) |
Persons formerly associated with this organization (4) |
- Becking, Leontine
- de Vos, Rob
- Schalk, Peter
- van Ofwegen, Leen
Publications (8) |
Top | Persons | Institute | Projects | Events |
( 6 peer reviewed ) split up filter
Faasse, M.A. (2018). Hypophorella expansa, een in kokers van schelpkokerwormen levend mosdiertje, nieuw voor Nederland (Bryozoa). Ned. Faunist. Meded. 50: 35-37, more
Faasse, M.A.; Turbeville, J.M. (2015). The first record of the north-west Pacific nemertean Cephalothrix simula in northern Europe. Marine Biodiversity Records 8(e17)., more
Faasse, M.A. (2014). The Pacific amphipod Monocorophium uenoi (Stephensen, 1932) introduced to the Netherlands (NE Atlantic). Bioinvasions Records 3(1): 29-33., more
Faasse, M.A. (2013). The North American ostracod Eusarsiella zostericola (Cushman, 1906) arrives in mainland Europe. Bioinvasions Records 2(1): 47-50., more
Faasse, M.A.; Giangrande, A. (2012). Description of Bispira polyomma n. sp. (Annelida: Sabellidae): a probableintroduction to the Netherlands. Aquat. Invasions 7(4): 591-598., more
Wittmann, K.J.; Vanagt, T.; Faasse, M.A.; Mees, J. (2012). A new transoceanic invasion? First records of Neomysis americana (Crustacea: Mysidae) in the East Atlantic. The Open Marine Biology Journal 6: 5 pp., more
- Van den Bulcke, L.; Martinez Arbizu, P.; Christodoulou, M.; Van der Hoorn, V.; Sapkota, R.; De Backer, A.; Hostens, K.; Maes, S.; Derycke, S. (2021). Testing repeatability, testing repeatability, testing repeatability: How reproducible are DNA metabarcoding data for marine macrobenthos?, in: Mees, J. et al. Book of abstracts – VLIZ Marine Science Day. Oostende, Belgium, 3 March 2021. VLIZ Special Publication, 87: pp. 119-120, more
- Matsumoto, A.K.; Van Ofwegen, L.P. (2018). The deep-sea octocoral collections of the Telegraph Company "Det Store Nordiske" during 1871-1957 from Japanese waters, in: Mees, J. et al. (Ed.) Book of abstracts – 53rd European Marine Biology Symposium. Oostende, Belgium, 17-21 September 2018. VLIZ Special Publication, 82: pp. 24, more
Projects (4) |
Top | Persons | Institute | Publications | Events |
- BioVeL: Biodiversity Virtual e-Laboratory
- DTO - BioFlow: Integration of biodiversity monitoring data into the Digital Twin Ocean
- GEANS: Genetic Tools for Ecosystem Health Assessment in the North Sea Region
- PESI: A Pan-European Species directories Infrastructure