This institute is the successor of the institute underneath The Sir Alister Hardy Foundation for Ocean Science (SAHFOS), more
Thesaurus terms (2) : Research: Ecology; Research: Environment
Address: The Laboratory
Citadel Hill Plymouth, PL1 2PB UK
| | Tel.: +44-(0)1752-63 31 00
| |
Type: Scientific
1 Director: Head of the department 2 Marine scientist: Works in this research group and acts as (co-)author in at least one marine publication in the last 5 years. 3 Specialized personnel: Provides administrative or technical support to marine scientific research.
Persons (60) |
Top | Institute | Publications | Projects | Events |
- Adams, Leoni
- Arnold, Matthew
- Baker, Guy
- Balestreri, Cecilia
- Batten, Sonia
- Broughton, Derek
- Brownlee, Colin
- Budd, Georgina
- Bunt, Julie
- Butler, Joseph
- Chrismas, Nathan
- Crouch, Fiona
- Davey, Margaret
- Duckworth, Hannah
- Edwards, Martin
- Ferguson, Tom
- Fidler, Lauren
- Figueroa Ashforth, Chloe
- Ford, Jacquelyn
- Frost, Matthew
- Gough, Charlie
- Gregory, Lance
- Griffiths, Charly
- Grundy, Summer
- Harris, Rebecca
- Highfield, Andrea
- Hughes, Esther
- Humphries, Nick
- Jackson, Emma
- Johns, David
- Jones, Ellen
- Jutson, Maria
- Langmead, Olivia
- Lear, Daniel
- Lebret, Karen
- Marshall, Charlotte
- Masterton, Patricia
- Mieszkowska, Nova
- Milburn, Hannah
- Moore, Pippa
- Nielsen, Signe
- Noel, Laure
- Ostle, Clare
- Parr, Jon
- Pipe, Richard
- Rundle, John
- Schroeder, Declan
- Schroeder, Joanna
- Seeley, Becky
- Sewell, Jack
- Sheppard, Elizabeth
- Sims, David
- Smale, Dan
- Smith, Marion
- Southward, Eve
- Taylor, Alison
- Terry, Marisa
- Tyler-Walters, Harvey
- Venton, Nola
- Whitfield, Mike
Persons formerly associated with this organization (7) |
- Griffin, John
- Hawkins, Stephen
- Hinz, Hilmar
- Hiscock, Keith
- Jenkins, Stuart
- Preston, Joanne
- Southward, Alan
Publications (8) |
Top | Persons | Institute | Projects | Events |
( 2 peer reviewed ) split up filter
Ryan, W.H.; Adams, L.; Bonthond, G.; Mieszkowska, N.; Pack, K.E.; Krueger-Hadfield, S.A. (2019). Environmental regulation of individual body size contributes to geographic variation in clonal life cycle expression. Mar. Biol. (Berl.) 166(12): 157., more
McClanahan, T. R.; McLaughlin, S.M.; Davy, J. E.; Wilson, W. H.; Peters, E. C.; Price, K.L.; Maina, J. (2004). Observations of a new source of coral mortality along the Kenyan coast. Hydrobiologia 530/531: 469-479., more
- Sewell, J. (2018). A century of marine citizen science, in: Mees, J. et al. (Ed.) Book of abstracts – 53rd European Marine Biology Symposium. Oostende, Belgium, 17-21 September 2018. VLIZ Special Publication, 82: pp. 108, more
- Winton, D.; Adams, L.; Anderson, E.; Burrows, M.; Dickens, S.; Dobson, N.; Grist, H.; Hull, S.; Jenkins, S.; Kragh, G.; Mieszkowska, N.; Millard, J.; Morrall, Z.; Richardson, L.; Sugden, H.; Vye, S.; Watson, G.; Delany, J. (2018). Capturing our Coast – communications and key messaging to engage and retain citizen scientists over a three year project, in: Mees, J. et al. (Ed.) Book of abstracts – 53rd European Marine Biology Symposium. Oostende, Belgium, 17-21 September 2018. VLIZ Special Publication, 82: pp. 111-112, more
- Hiscock, K.; Langmead, O.; Warwick, R.M. (2004). Identification of seabed indicator species from time-series and other studies to support implementation of the EU Habitats and Water Framework Directives. Report to the Joint Nature Conservation Committee and the Environment Agency from the Marine Biological Association. Marine Biological Association: Plymouth. 109 pp., more
- Parr, J.; Hiscock, K.; Lear, D. (2004). UK seabed biology datasets access programme. Scoping study and infrastructure development. Marine Biological Association: Plymouth. 29 + appendices pp., more
- Annual Report of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom. Marine Biological Association: Plymouth. , more
- The Marine Biologist. Marine Biological Association: Plymouth. ISSN 2052-5273, more
Projects (28) |
Top | Persons | Institute | Publications | Events |
- ASSEMBLE+: Association of European Marine Biological Laboratories Expanded
- BIOFUSE: Effects of biodiversity on the functioning and stability of marine ecosystems: European scale comparisons
- Biogeography and biodiversity of hydrothermal vents and cold seeps: an international cooperative study
- D-FACTORY: The Micro Algae Biorefinery
- DIATOMICS: Understanding Diatom Biology by Functional Genomics Approaches
- DTO - BioFlow: Integration of biodiversity monitoring data into the Digital Twin Ocean
- ELME: European Lifestyles and Marine Ecosystems
- EMBOS: European Marine Biodiversity Observatory System
- EMBRC: European Marine Biological Resource Centre
- EMODNET BIO II: European Marine Observation and Data Network - Biology Lot II
- EMODnet Bio IV: European Marine Observation and Data Network- Biology IV
- EMODnet Bio V: European Marine Observation and Data Network- Biology V
- EMODNETBIO III: European Marine Observation and Data Network- Biology III
- EUROMARINE: Integration of European Marine Research Networks of Excellence
- Genomic Observatories under European Projects EMO BON and ARMS-MBON
- KILL●SPILL: Integrated Biotechnological Solutions for Combating Marine Oil Spills
- LargeNet: Large scale and long term Networking on the observation of Global Change and its impact on Marine Biodiversity
- MarBEF: Marine Biodiversity and Ecosystem Functioning - EU Network of Excellence
- MARBIGEN: Supporting research potential for MARine BIodiversity and GENomics in the Eastern Mediterranean
- MarFish: Causes and consequences of changing marine biodiversity a fish and fisheries perspective
- MarPace: Marine Propagation Along the Coasts of Europe
- MARPLAN: European integration of marine microplankton research
- MBA UK Fish Tracking
- Micro B3: Marine Microbial Biodiversity, Bioinformatics and Biotechnology
- MIDTAL: Microarrays for the detection of toxic algae
- MISSION ATLANTIC: Towards the Sustainable Development of the Atlantic Ocean: Mapping and Assessing the present and future status of Atlantic marine ecosystems under the influence of climate change and exploitation
- PESI: A Pan-European Species directories Infrastructure
- ppEMBRC: European Marine Biological Resource Centre, preparatory phase
Events (11) |
Top | Persons | Institute | Publications | Projects |
- 19th European Marine Biology Symposium
- 44th European Marine Biology Symposium 2009
- 5th MARBENA e-conference: Genetic Biodiversity in Marine Ecosystems: Measurement, Understanding and Management
- EMODNet Biological Data Products Workshop
- EMODnet Biology workshop: essential marine biological data products
- EMSEA 2013: European Marine Science Educators Association Conference
- EMSEA 2014: European Marine Science Educators Association Conference
- EMSEA 2015: European Marine Science Educators Association Conference
- EMSEA 2016: European Marine Science Educators Association Conference
- EMSEA 2017: European Marine Science Educators Association Conference
- First Conference on Ocean Literacy in Europe