Higher Classification: > Kingdom Plantae > Division Tracheophyta > Subdivision Spermatophytina > Class Magnoliopsida > Superorder Caryophyllanae > Order Caryophyllales > Family Chenopodiaceae

Atriplex L.

Rank: Genus
Taxon Status: accepted

Relationships towards this taxon

Genus group names

Blackiella Aellen synonym
Cremnophyton Brullo & Pavone synonym
Obione Gaertn. synonym
Senniella Aellen synonym


Atriplex arazdajanica Kapeller
Atriplex aucheri Moq.
Atriplex belangeri D. Dietr.
Atriplex calotheca (Rafn) Fr.
Atriplex cana C. A. Mey.
Atriplex canescens (Pursh) Nutt.
Atriplex chenopodioides Batt.
Atriplex colerei Maire
Atriplex coriacea Forssk.
Atriplex crassifolia C. A. Mey.
Atriplex davisii Aellen
Atriplex dimorphostegia Kar. & Kir.
Atriplex elongata Guss.
Atriplex farinosa Forssk.
Atriplex fominii Iljin
Atriplex glabriuscula Edmondston
Atriplex glauca L.
Atriplex halimus L.
Atriplex holocarpa F. Muell.
Atriplex hortensis L.
Atriplex intracontinentalis Sukhor.
Atriplex laciniata Linnaeus
Atriplex laevis Ledeb.
Atriplex lanfrancoi (Brullo & Pavone) G. Kadereit & Sukhor.
Atriplex littoralis L.
Atriplex longipes aggr.
Atriplex malvana Aellen & Sauvage
Atriplex micrantha Ledeb.
Atriplex microcarpa Benth.
Atriplex mollis Desf.
Atriplex muelleri Benth.
Atriplex nilotica Sukhor.
Atriplex nummularia Lindl.
Atriplex oblongifolia Waldst. & Kit.
Atriplex patens (Litv.) Iljin
Atriplex patula L.
Atriplex prostrata DC.
Atriplex pungens Trautv.
Atriplex rosea L.
Atriplex sagittata Borkh.
Atriplex schugnanica Iljin
Atriplex semibaccata R. Br.
Atriplex semilunaris Aellen
Atriplex sibirica L.
Atriplex sphaeromorpha Iljin
Atriplex spongiosa F. Muell.
Atriplex suberecta I. Verd.
Atriplex tatarica aggr.
Atriplex turcomanica (Moq.) Boiss.

Vernaculars (+) (-)

 Bokmål (Norwegian): tangmeldeslekta sources: PESI (A Pan-European Species directories Infrastructure) focal points
 English: oraches sources: PESI (A Pan-European Species directories Infrastructure) focal points
 Norwegian: tangmeldeslekta sources: PESI (A Pan-European Species directories Infrastructure) focal points
 Nynorsk (Norwegian): tangmeldeslekta sources: PESI (A Pan-European Species directories Infrastructure) focal points
 Swedish: strandmållor


nomenclatural reference

L., Sp. Pl. 1753.

External Links

GenBank (2 nucleotides; 2 proteins)


Uotila, P. (2011): Chenopodiaceae (pro parte majore). – In: Euro+Med Plantbase - the information resource for Euro-Mediterranean plant diversity. Atriplex L.. Accessed through: Euro+Med PlantBase at http://ww2.bgbm.org/euroPlusMed/PTaxonDetail.asp?UUID=4AB8EDCB-F748-4B04-9754-39579C9A7AA5

WoRMS (2014). Atriplex. In: Costello, M.J.; Bouchet, P.; Boxshall, G.; Arvantidis, C.; Appeltans, W. (2014) European Register of Marine Species, accessed through PESI at http://www.eu-nomen.eu/portal/taxon.php?GUID=urn:lsid:marinespecies.org:taxname:415088


no data


 Present  Absent  Doubtful  Native  Introduced  Naturalised  Invasive  Managed  No data


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Last modified

2011-02-07 by Uotila, P. (2011): Chenopodiaceae (pro parte majore). – In: Euro+Med Plantbase - the information resource for Euro-Mediterranean plant diversity. & by db_admin

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