Higher Classification: > Kingdom Animalia > Phylum Chordata > Subphylum Vertebrata > Superclass Gnathostomata > Superclass Pisces > Class Actinopterygii > Order Salmoniformes > Family Salmonidae > Subfamily Coregoninae > Genus Coregonus

Coregonus pennantii Valenciennes, 1848

Rank: Species
Taxon Status: accepted

Relationships towards this taxon

Genus group names

CoregonusLinnaeus, 1758accepted genus name

Vernaculars (+) (-)

 English-United States: Gwyniad sources: english PESI focal point
 German: Gwyniad sources: german PESI focal point
 Italian: Coregone gwyniad sources: italian PESI focal point
 Lithuanian: Velso sykas sources: Lithuanian PESI focal point
 Welsh: gwyniad Llyn Tegid

Bio Diversity Heritage Library logo
Taxon found in 8 publications.

Barcode Of Life logo
No records found.


No records found.

External Links



Dr Jorg Freyhof. Coregonus pennantii Valenciennes, 1848. Accessed through: Fauna Europaea at http://www.faunaeur.org/full_results.php?id=304700


no data


 Present  Absent  Doubtful  Native  Introduced  Naturalised  Invasive  Managed  No data


no data


EU Habitat Directive:
annex II EU Habitat Directive Annex II: Species of community interest whose conservation requires the designation of special areas of conservation.
annex IV EU Habitat Directive Annex IV: Species of community interest in need of strict protection.
Red List status LC 2009This species is least concern and is widespread and abundant according to the red list of the International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources.

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Last modified

2004-12-14 by Dr Jorg Freyhof

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