Higher Classification: > Kingdom Animalia > Phylum Chordata > Subphylum Vertebrata > Superclass Gnathostomata > Superclass Pisces > Class Actinopterygii > Order Salmoniformes > Family Salmonidae > Subfamily Coregoninae > Genus Coregonus

Coregonus lavaretus (Linnaeus, 1758)

Rank: Species
Taxon Status: accepted

Original genus

Salmo Linnaeus, 1758

Relationships towards this taxon

Genus group names

CoregonusLinnaeus, 1758accepted genus name

Species group names

Salmo lavaretus Linnaeus, 1758 objective synonym

Vernaculars (+) (-)

 Bokmål (Norwegian): sik sources: PESI (A Pan-European Species directories Infrastructure) focal points
 Bulgarian: chudski sig; Чудски сиг sources: PESI (A Pan-European Species directories Infrastructure) focal points
 Danish: helt sources: PESI (A Pan-European Species directories Infrastructure) focal points
 Dutch: grote marene; Oostzeehouting sources: Nijssen, H.; de Groot, S.J. (1987). De vissen van Nederland: systematische indeling, historisch overzicht, het ontstaan van de viskweek, uitheemse vissoorten, determineersleutels, beschrijvingen, afbeeldingen, literatuur, van alle in Nederlandse wateren voor komende zee- en zoetwatervissoorten [Fishes of the Netherlands: systematic classification, historical overview, origins of fish culture, non-indigenous species, determination keys, descriptions, drawings, literature references on all marine and freshwater fish species living in Dutch waters]. KNNV Uitgeverij: Utrecht, The Netherlands. ISBN 90-5011-006-1. 224 pp.;de Groot, B.; Dijkema, R.; Redant, F. (1988). Fish, shells and shellfish: an illustrated guide with descriptions, supply times and recipes of more than 400 sea and freshwater species [Vis, schelp- en schaaldieren: een geïllustreerde gids met de beschrijvingen, aanvoertijden en bereidingswijzen van ruim 400 soorten uit zee en zoet water]. Spectrum: Utrecht, The Netherlands. ISBN 90-274-20203. 180 pp.
 English: common whitefish; gwyniad; Lake Chud whitefish; lavaret; powan; schelly sources: PESI (A Pan-European Species directories Infrastructure) focal points;Wheeler, A. (1992). A list of the common and scientific names of fishes of the British Isles. J. Fish Biol. 41(Suppl. A): 1-37
 English-United States: Common whitefish; Lake Chud whitefish; Lavaret; Powan; Whitefish sources: Charles Hussey
 French: corégone Lavaret; lavaret; lavaret du Bourget; lavoret sources: Nijssen, H.; de Groot, S.J. (1987). De vissen van Nederland: systematische indeling, historisch overzicht, het ontstaan van de viskweek, uitheemse vissoorten, determineersleutels, beschrijvingen, afbeeldingen, literatuur, van alle in Nederlandse wateren voor komende zee- en zoetwatervissoorten [Fishes of the Netherlands: systematic classification, historical overview, origins of fish culture, non-indigenous species, determination keys, descriptions, drawings, literature references on all marine and freshwater fish species living in Dutch waters]. KNNV Uitgeverij: Utrecht, The Netherlands. ISBN 90-5011-006-1. 224 pp.;PESI (A Pan-European Species directories Infrastructure) focal points
 German: Blaufelchen; große Maräne; große Schwebrenke; kleine Maräne; Lavaret; Wandermaräne sources: Nijssen, H.; de Groot, S.J. (1987). De vissen van Nederland: systematische indeling, historisch overzicht, het ontstaan van de viskweek, uitheemse vissoorten, determineersleutels, beschrijvingen, afbeeldingen, literatuur, van alle in Nederlandse wateren voor komende zee- en zoetwatervissoorten [Fishes of the Netherlands: systematic classification, historical overview, origins of fish culture, non-indigenous species, determination keys, descriptions, drawings, literature references on all marine and freshwater fish species living in Dutch waters]. KNNV Uitgeverij: Utrecht, The Netherlands. ISBN 90-5011-006-1. 224 pp.;PESI (A Pan-European Species directories Infrastructure) focal points
 Greek: Κορήγωνος sources: PESI (A Pan-European Species directories Infrastructure) focal points
 Italian: coregone; coregone lavarello; lavarello; lavereto sources: PESI (A Pan-European Species directories Infrastructure) focal points;de Groot, B.; Dijkema, R.; Redant, F. (1988). Fish, shells and shellfish: an illustrated guide with descriptions, supply times and recipes of more than 400 sea and freshwater species [Vis, schelp- en schaaldieren: een geïllustreerde gids met de beschrijvingen, aanvoertijden en bereidingswijzen van ruim 400 soorten uit zee en zoet water]. Spectrum: Utrecht, The Netherlands. ISBN 90-274-20203. 180 pp.
 Lithuanian: sykas sources: PESI (A Pan-European Species directories Infrastructure) focal points
 Norwegian: sik sources: PESI (A Pan-European Species directories Infrastructure) focal points
 Norwegian Bokmål: sik
 Norwegian Nynorsk: sik
 Nynorsk (Norwegian): sik sources: PESI (A Pan-European Species directories Infrastructure) focal points
 Polish: sieja; sieja pospolita sources: PESI (A Pan-European Species directories Infrastructure) focal points
 Romanian: coregon sources: PESI (A Pan-European Species directories Infrastructure) focal points
 Slovenian: velika ozimica sources: Davorin Tome
 Spanish, Castillian: lavareto sources: PESI (A Pan-European Species directories Infrastructure) focal points
 Swedish: lavaretsik sources: PESI (A Pan-European Species directories Infrastructure) focal points
 Turkish: akbalık; alabalık sources: PESI (A Pan-European Species directories Infrastructure) focal points
 Ukrainian: сиг sources: PESI (A Pan-European Species directories Infrastructure) focal points
 Welsh: powan


original description

Linnaeus, C. (1758). Systema Naturae per regna tria naturae, secundum classes, ordines, genera, species, cum characteribus, differentiis, synonymis, locis. Editio decima, reformata. Laurentius Salvius: Holmiae. ii, 824 pp.

basis of record

van der Land, J.; Costello, M.J.; Zavodnik, D.; Santos, R.S.; Porteiro, F.M.; Bailly, N.; Eschmeyer, W.N.; Froese, R. (2001). Pisces, in: Costello, M.J. et al. (Ed.) (2001). European register of marine species: a check-list of the marine species in Europe and a bibliography of guides to their identification. Collection Patrimoines Naturels, 50: pp. 357-374

additional source

FishBase, version december 2007

additional source

FishBase, version may 2009

additional source

FishBase, version october 2012

additional source

Eschmeyer, W.: Catalog of fishes; California Academy of Sciences, department Ichtyology.

Bio Diversity Heritage Library logo
Taxon found in 299 publications.



External Links

Biodiversity Heritage Library (197 publications)
Delivering Alien Invasive Species Inventories for Europe (DAISIE)
Marine Life Information Network - UK
Barcode of Life (85 barcodes)
GenBank (386 nucleotides; 1248 proteins)


Bailly, N. (2014). Coregonus lavaretus (Linnaeus, 1758). In: Froese, R. and D. Pauly. Editors. (2014) FishBase. In: Costello, M.J.; Bouchet, P.; Boxshall, G.; Arvantidis, C.; Appeltans, W. (2014) European Register of Marine Species, accessed through PESI at http://www.eu-nomen.eu/portal/taxon.php?GUID=urn:lsid:marinespecies.org:taxname:127180

Dr Jorg Freyhof. Coregonus lavaretus (Linnaeus, 1758). Accessed through: Fauna Europaea at http://www.faunaeur.org/full_results.php?id=304685



 Present  Absent  Doubtful  Native  Introduced  Naturalised  Invasive  Managed  No data


marine, brackish, fresh, not terrestrial


no data

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Last modified

2008-01-15 by Dr Jorg Freyhof & by Nicolas Bailly

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