Higher Classification: > Kingdom Animalia > Phylum Chordata > Subphylum Vertebrata > Superclass Gnathostomata > Superclass Tetrapoda > Class Reptilia > Order Testudines > Suborder Cryptodira > Family Cheloniidae > Genus Lepidochelys

Lepidochelys kempii (Garman, 1880)

Rank: Species
Taxon Status: accepted

Original genus


Relationships towards this taxon

Genus group names

LepidochelysFitzinger, 1843accepted genus name

Species group names

Thalassochelys kempii Garman, 1880 objective synonym

Vernaculars (+) (-)

 Danish: Kemps ridley sources: PESI (A Pan-European Species directories Infrastructure) focal points
 Dutch: Kemps schildpad; Kemp's zeeschildpad sources: PESI (A Pan-European Species directories Infrastructure) focal points
 English: Kemp's ridely; Kemp's ridley; Kemp's ridley sea turtle; Kemp's ridley turtle sources: UNESCO-IOC Register of Marine Organisms;PESI (A Pan-European Species directories Infrastructure) focal points;North-West Atlantic Ocean species (NWARMS)
 English-United States: Kemp's Ridley sources: Charles Hussey
 French: tortue de Kemp sources: Muller, Y. (2004). Faune et flore du littoral du Nord, du Pas-de-Calais et de la Belgique: inventaire. [Coastal fauna and flora of the Nord, Pas-de-Calais and Belgium: inventory]. Commission Régionale de Biologie Région Nord Pas-de-Calais: France. 307 pp.
 German: Kemps Schildkröte sources: PESI (A Pan-European Species directories Infrastructure) focal points
 Greek: Θαλασσοχελώνa του Kemp sources: PESI (A Pan-European Species directories Infrastructure) focal points
 Italian: tartaruga bastarda ; tartaruga di Kemp sources: PESI (A Pan-European Species directories Infrastructure) focal points
 Lithuanian: atlantinė ridlėja; atlanto ridlėja sources: PESI (A Pan-European Species directories Infrastructure) focal points
 Russian: морская черепаха кемпа sources: PESI (A Pan-European Species directories Infrastructure) focal points
 Slovenian: atlantska morska želva sources: PESI (A Pan-European Species directories Infrastructure) focal points
 Spanish, Castillian: tortuga golfina sources: PESI (A Pan-European Species directories Infrastructure) focal points
 Turkish: orta Amerika nehir kaplumbağası sources: PESI (A Pan-European Species directories Infrastructure) focal points
 Ukrainian: Атлантична черепаха Рідлі; Черепаха атлантична Ридлея sources: PESI (A Pan-European Species directories Infrastructure) focal points
 Welsh: crwban môr pendew Kemp


basis of record

van der Land, J. (2001). Tetrapoda, in: Costello, M.J. et al. (Ed.) (2001). European register of marine species: a check-list of the marine species in Europe and a bibliography of guides to their identification. Collection Patrimoines Naturels, 50: pp. 375-376

additional source

Pollock, L.W. (1998). A practical guide to the marine animals of northeastern North America. Rutgers University Press. New Brunswick, New Jersey & London. 367 pp.

additional source

Muller, Y. (2004). Faune et flore du littoral du Nord, du Pas-de-Calais et de la Belgique: inventaire. [Coastal fauna and flora of the Nord, Pas-de-Calais and Belgium: inventory]. Commission Régionale de Biologie Région Nord Pas-de-Calais: France. 307 pp.

additional source

Zug, G. R. 2009. Reptiles (Vertebrata: Reptilia) of the Gulf of Mexico, Pp. 1317–1320 in Felder, D.L. and D.K. Camp (eds.), Gulf of Mexico–Origins, Waters, and Biota. Biodiversity. Texas A&M Press, College Station, Texas.

additional source

O'Boyle, R. 2001. Meeting on turtle by-catch in Canadian Atlantic fisheries, Hayes Boardroom, BIO, 20 March 2001. Canadian Stock Assessment Secretariat 2001/17. 31 p.

additional source

ITIS database

Bio Diversity Heritage Library logo
Taxon found in 91 publications.





External Links

GenBank (22 nucleotides; 38 proteins)
Barcode of Life (6 barcodes)
Marine Life Information Network - UK
Biodiversity Heritage Library (37 publications)


Uetz, P. (2014). Lepidochelys kempii (Garman, 1880). In: Uetz, P. (ed.) (2014) The Reptile Database. In: Costello, M.J.; Bouchet, P.; Boxshall, G.; Arvantidis, C.; Appeltans, W. (2014) European Register of Marine Species, accessed through PESI at http://www.eu-nomen.eu/portal/taxon.php?GUID=urn:lsid:marinespecies.org:taxname:137208

Prof. Alain Dubois. Lepidochelys kempii (Garman, 1880). Accessed through: Fauna Europaea at http://www.faunaeur.org/full_results.php?id=214778




 Present  Absent  Doubtful  Native  Introduced  Naturalised  Invasive  Managed  No data




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Last modified

2009-06-30 by Prof. Alain Dubois & by Peter Uetz

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