Higher Classification: > Kingdom Plantae > Division Tracheophyta > Subdivision Pteridophytina > Class Polypodiopsida > Subclass Polypodiidae > Order Polypodiales > Family Cystopteridaceae > Genus Cystopteris > Species Cystopteris fragilis

Cystopteris fragilis subsp. alpina (Lam.) Hartm.

Rank: Subspecies
Taxon Status: accepted

Relationships towards this taxon

Genus group names

CystopterisBernh.accepted genus name
Rhizomatopteris A. P. Khokhr. heterotypic synonym

Subspecies group names

Polypodium alpinum Lam. basionym
Cystopteris alpina (Lam.) Desv. homotypic synonym
Cystopteris filix-fragilis subsp. alpina (Lam.) Jahand. & Maire homotypic synonym
Polypodium alpinum Lam. homotypic synonym
Cystopteris crispa sensu - Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. 4: Kritischer Band 8, Ed. 8. misapplied name
Cystopteris filix-fragilis subsp. regia sensu MAIRE, R. & al. - Flore de l'Afrique du Nord. Lechevalier, Paris, 1952-... 1: [1]-366. 1952; 2: [1]-374. 1953; 3: [1]-399. 1955; 4: [1]-333. 1957; 5: [1]-307. 1958; 6: [1]-374. 1960; 7: [1]-329. 1961; 8: [1]-303. 1962; 9: [1]-300. 1963; 10: [1]-336. 1963; 11: [1]-335. 1964; 12: [1]-407. 1965; 13: [1]-365. 1967; 14: [1]-397. "1976" [1977]; 15: [1]-309. 1980; 16: [1]-302. 1987-... misapplied name
Cystopteris fragilis subsp. regia sensu STOJANOV, N., B. STEFANOV & B. KITANOV - Flora na Balgarija (ed. 4). Nauka i iskustvo, Sofija, 1966-1967. 1: [1]-[564]. 1966; 2: [565]-[1326]. 1967. misapplied name
Cystopteris fragilis subsp. regia sensu FOURNIER, P. - Les quatre flores de France. "Nouveau tirage avec compléments, corrections et tables (des familles et biographique)" [ed. 3]. Paul Lechevalier, Paris, 1961. [I]-XLVIII, 1-[1106], [viii]. misapplied name
Cystopteris regia sensu GUINOCHET, M. & R. DE VILMORIN - Flore de France. Centre national de la recherche scientifique, Paris, 1973-1984. 1: [1]-366. 1973; 2: [I]-XVI, [367]-818. 1975; 3: [819]-[1200]. 1978; 4: [1201]-[1596]. 1982; 5: [1597]-1879. 1984. misapplied name
Cystopteris regia sensu Gagnidze, R. - Vascular plants of Georgia. A nomenclatural checklist Tbilisi 2005. misapplied name
Cystopteris regia sensu Lid, J. & Lid, D. T. - Norsk Flora, Ed. 6 Oslo 1994. misapplied name
Cystopteris regia sensu COSTE, H.- Flore descriptive et illustrée de la France. Paul Klincksieck, Paris, 1903-1906. 1/1: [1]-128. 1900 (25 juin); 1/2: [I]-XXXVI, 129-240. 1900 (21 nov.); 1/3-1: [1]-52, 241-304. 1901 (28 mars); 1/3-2: 305-416. 1901 (6 juil.); 2/1: [1]-96. 1903 (23 déc.); 2/2: 97-224. 1902 (24 déc.); 2/3: 225-352. 1903 (17 janv.); 2/4: 353-448. 1903 (12 mai); 2/5: 449-627. 1903 (17 août); (... -> notes) misapplied name
Cystopteris regia sensu Prokudin, J. N. - Opredelitel’ vysših rastenij Ukrainy Naukova Dumka Kiev 1987. misapplied name
Cystopteris regia sensu HAYEK, A. - Prodromus florae peninsulae Balcanicae. Dahlem bei Berlin, 1924-1928. Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. Beih. 30/1-3. 1/1: [I]-[VIII], 1-160. 1924 (1 avril); 1/2: 161-352. 1924 (25 août); 1/3: 353-512. 1925 (15 fév.); 1/4: 513-672. 1925 (15 déc.); 1/5-6: 673-960. 1926 (15 oct.); 1/7-8: 961-1193. 1927 (30 juin); 2/1: 1-96. 1928 (24 nov.). misapplied name
Cystopteris regia sensu JAHANDIEZ, E. & R. MAIRE - Catalogue des plantes du Maroc. Minerva, Lechevalier, Alger, 1931-1934. 1: [I]-XL, [1]-[160]. 1931; 2: [vi], [161]-[558]. 1932; 3: [LI]-LVII, [i], [559]-[914]. 1934; [4: (= suppl.) - 16]. misapplied name
Cystopteris regia sensu Josifović, M. - Fl. SR Srbije 1 Beograd 1970. misapplied name
Cystopteris regia sensu Bouchard, J. - Primer herbari de la flora d’Andorra Perpignan 1981. misapplied name
Cystopteris regia sensu MOUTERDE, P. - Nouvelle flore du Liban et de la Syrie. Dar El-Machreq (imprimerie catholique), Beyrouth, 1966-1970. 1/1: [I]-LXXXII, [1]-[567]. 1966; 1/2: 186 tab. 1966; 2/1: [I]-XII, [1]-[729]. 1970; 2/2: 328 tab. 1970-... misapplied name
Cystopteris regia sensu Martinčič, A. - Mala flora Slovenije, Ed. 3 Ljubljana 1999. misapplied name
Cystopteris regia sensu A. A. Fedorov - Flora Partis europaeae URSS 1 Leningrad 1974. misapplied name
Cystopteris regia sensu BOUCHARD, J. - Flore pratique de la Corse (ed. 3). Société des Sciences Historiques et Naturelles de la Corse, Bastia, 1978 [Coll. Corse d'Hier et de Demain n° 7]. [1]-405. misapplied name
Cystopteris regia sensu - Flora of Georgia, Ed. 2 1 Metzniereba Tbilisi 1971. misapplied name
Cystopteris regia sensu ZANGHERI, P. - Flora italica. Cedam, Padova, 1976. 1: [I]-XXIII, [i], [1]-1157. 1976; 2: [I]-XXII, 210 tab. 1976. misapplied name
Cystopteris regia sensu MARTINCIC, A. & F. SUSNIK - Mala flora Slovenije. Cankarjeva zalozba, Ljubljana, 1969. [1]-[519]. misapplied name
Cystopteris regia sensu FIORI, A. - Nuova flora analitica d'ltalia (ed. 2). S.n., Firenze, 1923-1929. 1/1: [1]-160. 1923 (mars); 1/2: 161-320. 1923 (juil.); 1/3: 321-480. 1923 (déc.); 1/4: 481-640. 1924 (mai), 1/5: 641-800. 1924 (nov.); 1/6: 801-944, [I]-[VIII]. 1925 (mars); 2/1: [1]-160. 1925 (juil.); 2/2: 161-320. 1926 (janv.); 2/3: 321-480. 1926 (juil.); 2/4: 481-640. 1927 (fév.); (... -> notes) misapplied name
Cystopteris regia sensu Grossgejm, A. A. - Opredelitel’ rastenij Kavkaza Moskva 1949. misapplied name
Cystopteris regia sensu Hess, H. E. - Bestimmungsschlüssel zur Flora der Schweiz und angrenzender Gebiete, Ed. 4 Basel, Boston & Berlin 1998. misapplied name
Cystopteris regia sensu Rohlena, J. (1942) - Conspectus florae montenegrinae - Preslia. Věstník (Časopis) československé botanické společnosti Prague 20-21: 1-506. misapplied name
Cystopteris regia sensu Grossgejm, A. A. - Flora Kavkaza 1 Tiflis 1928. misapplied name
Cystopteris regia sensu JORDANOV, D. (ed.) - Flora na Narodna Republika Balgarija. Izdatelstvo na Balgarskata akademija na naukite, Sofija, 1963-... 1: [1]-507. 1963, 2: [1]-423. 1964; 3: [1]-637. 1966; 4: [1]-748. 1970; 5: [1]-442. 1973; 6: [1]-590. 1976; 7: [1]-529. 1979; 8: [1]-518. 1982-... misapplied name
Cystopteris regia sensu RECHINGER, K. H. - Flora Aegaea. Springer, Wien, 1943. Akad. Wiss. Wien, Math.-Naturwiss. Kl., Denkschr. 105/1: [I]-XX, 1-924, 25 tab. misapplied name
Cystopteris regia sensu STOJANOV, N., B. STEFANOV & B. KITANOV - Flora na Balgarija (ed. 4). Nauka i iskustvo, Sofija, 1966-1967. 1: [1]-[564]. 1966; 2: [565]-[1326]. 1967. misapplied name


nomenclatural reference

Hartm., Sv. Norsk Exc.-Fl. 1846.




Christenhusz, M. & Raab-Straube, E. von (2013): Polypodiopsida. – In: Euro+Med Plantbase - the information resource for Euro-Mediterranean plant diversity. Cystopteris fragilis subsp. alpina (Lam.) Hartm.. Accessed through: Euro+Med PlantBase at http://ww2.bgbm.org/euroPlusMed/PTaxonDetail.asp?UUID=B21BBD8D-FD38-4A12-855C-E64158FCE359




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Last modified

2012-11-07 by Christenhusz, M. & Raab-Straube, E. von (2013): Polypodiopsida. – In: Euro+Med Plantbase - the information resource for Euro-Mediterranean plant diversity.

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