Higher Classification: > Kingdom Plantae > Division Tracheophyta > Subdivision Spermatophytina > Class Magnoliopsida > Superorder Caryophyllanae > Order Caryophyllales > Family Chenopodiaceae > Genus Atriplex

Atriplex prostrata DC.

Rank: Species
Taxon Status: accepted

Relationships towards this taxon

Genus group names

AtriplexL.accepted genus name
Blackiella Aellen synonym
Cremnophyton Brullo & Pavone synonym
Obione Gaertn. synonym
Senniella Aellen synonym

Species group names

Atriplex deltoidea Bab. synonym
Atriplex hastata subsp. polonicum (Zapalł.) Aellen synonym
Atriplex latifolia Wahlenb. synonym
Atriplex oppositifolia DC. synonym
Atriplex platysepala Guss. synonym
Atriplex polonica Zapalł. synonym
Atriplex prostrata subsp. deltoidea (Bab.) Rauschert synonym
Atriplex prostrata subsp. latifolia (Lindm.) Rauschert synonym
Atriplex prostrata subsp. polonica (Zapalł.) Uotila synonym
Atriplex prostrata subsp. triangularis (Willd.) Rauschert synonym
Atriplex triangularis Willd. synonym
Atriplex hastata sensu Grossgejm, A. A. - Flora Kavkaza 3 1945. misapplied name
Atriplex hastata sensu GUINOCHET, M. & R. DE VILMORIN - Flore de France. Centre national de la recherche scientifique, Paris, 1973-1984. 1: [1]-366. 1973; 2: [I]-XVI, [367]-818. 1975; 3: [819]-[1200]. 1978; 4: [1201]-[1596]. 1982; 5: [1597]-1879. 1984. misapplied name
Atriplex hastata sensu COUTINHO, A. X. P. - Flora de Portugal (ed. 2/R. T. PALHINHA). Bertrand, Lisboa, 1939. [1]-938. misapplied name
Atriplex hastata sensu FIORI, A. - Nuova flora analitica d'ltalia (ed. 2). S.n., Firenze, 1923-1929. 1/1: [1]-160. 1923 (mars); 1/2: 161-320. 1923 (juil.); 1/3: 321-480. 1923 (déc.); 1/4: 481-640. 1924 (mai), 1/5: 641-800. 1924 (nov.); 1/6: 801-944, [I]-[VIII]. 1925 (mars); 2/1: [1]-160. 1925 (juil.); 2/2: 161-320. 1926 (janv.); 2/3: 321-480. 1926 (juil.); 2/4: 481-640. 1927 (fév.); (... -> notes) misapplied name
Atriplex hastata sensu Losa, M. & Montserrat, P. - Aportación al conocimiento de la flora de Andorra Zaragoza 1951. misapplied name
Atriplex hastata sensu HALÁCSY, E. DE - Conspectus florae graecae. G. Engelmann, Lipsiae, 1900-1904. 1/1: [1]-224. 1900 (fév.); 1/2: 225-576. 1900 (oct.); 1/3: 577-825. 1901 (oct.); 2/1: [1]-256. 1902 (mars-avril); 2/2: 257-612. 1902 (oct.-nov.); 3/1: [1]-320. 1904 (mars); 3/2: 321-519, [I]-XXV. 1904 (oct.-nov.). misapplied name
Atriplex hastata sensu Hess, H. E. - Bestimmungsschlüssel zur Flora der Schweiz und angrenzender Gebiete, Ed. 4 Basel, Boston & Berlin 1998. misapplied name
Atriplex hastata sensu Hayek, A. (1927) - Prodromus florae peninsulae Balcanicae - Repertorium specierum novarum regni vegetabilis 30(1): 1-1193. misapplied name
Atriplex hastata sensu - Flora of Georgia, Ed. 2 3 Metzniereba Tbilisi 1975. misapplied name
Atriplex hastata sensu HASLAM, S. M., P. D. SELL & P. A. WOLSELEY - A Flora of the Maltese Islands. Malta University Press, Msida, 1977. [i]-lxxi, [i], 1-560. misapplied name
Atriplex hastata sensu Micevski, K. - Flora of Republic of Macedonia 1(3) Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts Skopje 1995. misapplied name
Atriplex hastata sensu DAVIS, P. H., R. R. MILL & KIT TAN (ed.) - 14. - Flora of Turkey and the East Aegean Islands. Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh, 1988. 10 (supplement): [i]-xxi, [i], 1-590. misapplied name
Atriplex hastata sensu BOUCHARD, J. - Flore pratique de la Corse (ed. 3). Société des Sciences Historiques et Naturelles de la Corse, Bastia, 1978 [Coll. Corse d'Hier et de Demain n° 7]. [1]-405. misapplied name
Atriplex hastata sensu BOISSIER, Ed. - Flora Orientalis. H. Georg, Genève, Bâle & Lyon, 1867-1884. 1: [i]-xxxiv, [1]-1017. 1867 (avril-juin); 2: [iii], [1]-1159. 1872 (déc.) ou 1873 (janv.); 3: [iii], [1]-1033. 1875 (sept.-oct.); 4/1: [1]-280. 1875 (sept.-oct.), 4/2: [iii], 281-1276. 1879 (avril-mai), 5/1: [1]-428. 1882 (juil.); 5/2: [iii], [429]-868. 1884 (avril). misapplied name
Atriplex hastata sensu DUVIGNEAUD, J. - Catalogue provisoire de la flore des Baléares (ed. 2). Liège, 1979. Soc. Echange Pl. Vasc. Eur. Occid. Médit. 17, supplément. [1]-43. misapplied name
Atriplex hastata sensu FRANCO, J. Do Amaral - Nova Flora de Portugal. S.n., Lisboa, 1971-1984. 1: [I]-XXIV, 1-[648]. 1971; 2: [I]-XXVII, 1-[660]. 1984. misapplied name
Atriplex hastata sensu - Flora of Armenia 2 Izdatel'stvo AN ASSR Erevan 1956. misapplied name
Atriplex hastata sensu CUÉNOD, A., G. POTTIER-ALAPETITE & A. LABBE - Flore analytique et synoptique de la Tunisie. Office de l'expérimentation et de la vulgarisation agricoles de Tunisie, Tunis, 1954. Cryptogames vasculaires, gymnospermes et monocotylédones: [1]-39, [i], [1]-287. misapplied name
Atriplex hastata sensu HAYEK, A. - Prodromus florae peninsulae Balcanicae. Dahlem bei Berlin, 1924-1928. Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. Beih. 30/1-3. 1/1: [I]-[VIII], 1-160. 1924 (1 avril); 1/2: 161-352. 1924 (25 août); 1/3: 353-512. 1925 (15 fév.); 1/4: 513-672. 1925 (15 déc.); 1/5-6: 673-960. 1926 (15 oct.); 1/7-8: 961-1193. 1927 (30 juin); 2/1: 1-96. 1928 (24 nov.). misapplied name
Atriplex hastata sensu JORDANOV, D. (ed.) - Flora na Narodna Republika Balgarija. Izdatelstvo na Balgarskata akademija na naukite, Sofija, 1963-... 1: [1]-507. 1963, 2: [1]-423. 1964; 3: [1]-637. 1966; 4: [1]-748. 1970; 5: [1]-442. 1973; 6: [1]-590. 1976; 7: [1]-529. 1979; 8: [1]-518. 1982-... misapplied name
Atriplex hastata sensu COSTE, H.- Flore descriptive et illustrée de la France. Paul Klincksieck, Paris, 1903-1906. 1/1: [1]-128. 1900 (25 juin); 1/2: [I]-XXXVI, 129-240. 1900 (21 nov.); 1/3-1: [1]-52, 241-304. 1901 (28 mars); 1/3-2: 305-416. 1901 (6 juil.); 2/1: [1]-96. 1903 (23 déc.); 2/2: 97-224. 1902 (24 déc.); 2/3: 225-352. 1903 (17 janv.); 2/4: 353-448. 1903 (12 mai); 2/5: 449-627. 1903 (17 août); (... -> notes) misapplied name
Atriplex hastata sensu BONAFÈ BARCELÓ, F. - Flora de Mallorca. Editorial Moll, Mallorca, 1977-1980. 1: [1]-LXXII, [1]-363. 1977; 2: [1]-378. 1978; 3: [1]-380. 1979; 4: [1]-444. 1980. misapplied name
Atriplex hastata sensu COSTE, H., P. JOVET, R. DE VILMORIN & M. KERGUÉLEN - 11. - Flore descriptive et illustrée de la France. Suppléments. Albert Blanchard, Paris, 1985-.. 6: [I]-XVIII, [iv], [591]-[746]. 1985-... misapplied name
Atriplex hastata sensu JAHANDIEZ, E. & R. MAIRE - Catalogue des plantes du Maroc. Minerva, Lechevalier, Alger, 1931-1934. 1: [I]-XL, [1]-[160]. 1931; 2: [vi], [161]-[558]. 1932; 3: [LI]-LVII, [i], [559]-[914]. 1934; [4: (= suppl.) - 16]. misapplied name
Atriplex hastata sensu JOSIFOVIC, M. & al. - Flora sr Srbije. Srpska Akademija Nauka i Umetnosni, Beograd, 1970-1976. 1: [I]-X, [1]-326. 1970; 2: [I]-X, [1]-294. 1970; 3: [I]-XVIII, [1]-599. 1972; 4: [I]-XV, [i], [1]-584. 1972; 5: [I]-XX, [1]-640. 1973; 6: [I]-XVII,[i], [1]-599. 1974;7: [I]-XIX, [i], [1]-651. 1975; 8: [I]-XVIII, [1]-515. 1976. misapplied name
Atriplex hastata sensu CADEVALL I DIARS, J. & P. FONT I QUER - 9. - Flora de Catalunya. Institut d'Estudis Catalans, Barcelona, 1934-1937. 4: [viii], [1]-481. "1932" [1934]; 5: [1]-454. "1933" [1935]; 6: [1]-[445]. "1936" [1937]. misapplied name
Atriplex hastata sensu Galuško, A. I. - Flora severnogo Kavkaza 3 Rostov-na-Donu 1980. misapplied name
Atriplex hastata sensu FOURNIER, P. - Les quatre flores de France. "Nouveau tirage avec compléments, corrections et tables (des familles et biographique)" [ed. 3]. Paul Lechevalier, Paris, 1961. [I]-XLVIII, 1-[1106], [viii]. misapplied name
Atriplex hastata sensu - Flora of Azerbaidzhan 3 Izdatel'stvo Akademii Nauk Azerbai$Kdzhanskoi$K SSR Baku 1952. misapplied name
Atriplex hastata sensu BRIQUET, J. - Prodrome de la flore corse. H. Georg, Genève, Bâle & Lyon, 1910-1913. 1: [I]-LVI, [ii], [1]-656. 1910 (oct.); 2/1: [I]-IV, [1]-409, [ii]. 1913 (juin). misapplied name
Obione graeca sensu FOURNIER, P. - Les quatre flores de France. "Nouveau tirage avec compléments, corrections et tables (des familles et biographique)" [ed. 3]. Paul Lechevalier, Paris, 1961. [I]-XLVIII, 1-[1106], [viii]. misapplied name
Obione graeca sensu FIORI, A. - Nuova flora analitica d'ltalia (ed. 2). S.n., Firenze, 1923-1929. 1/1: [1]-160. 1923 (mars); 1/2: 161-320. 1923 (juil.); 1/3: 321-480. 1923 (déc.); 1/4: 481-640. 1924 (mai), 1/5: 641-800. 1924 (nov.); 1/6: 801-944, [I]-[VIII]. 1925 (mars); 2/1: [1]-160. 1925 (juil.); 2/2: 161-320. 1926 (janv.); 2/3: 321-480. 1926 (juil.); 2/4: 481-640. 1927 (fév.); (... -> notes) misapplied name
Obione graeca sensu PIGNATTI, S. - Flora d'ltalia. Edagricole, Bologna, 1982. 1: [vi], 1-790; 2: [iv], 1-732; 3: [iv], 1-780. misapplied name

Vernaculars (+) (-)

 Catalan: salat pudent sources: Anthos (2010). Information System of the plants of Spain. Real Jardín Botánico, CSIC - Fundación Biodiversidad. (for names from the Iberian Peninsula and the Balearic Islands).
 Galician: armol; armola sources: Anthos (2010). Information System of the plants of Spain. Real Jardín Botánico, CSIC - Fundación Biodiversidad. (for names from the Iberian Peninsula and the Balearic Islands).
 Majorcan: herba molla; salat pudent sources: Anthos (2010). Information System of the plants of Spain. Real Jardín Botánico, CSIC - Fundación Biodiversidad. (for names from the Iberian Peninsula and the Balearic Islands).
 Portuguese: armoles bravos; armoles rústicos; armoles salvajes; armoles silvestre; armoles silvestres; armoles-bravos; armoles-silvestres; ermoles sources: Anthos (2010). Information System of the plants of Spain. Real Jardín Botánico, CSIC - Fundación Biodiversidad. (for names from the Iberian Peninsula and the Balearic Islands).
 Spanish, Castillian: acelga falsa; armuelle de hoja alabardada; armuelle hastado; arrastradera


nomenclatural reference

DC. in Lamarck & Candolle., Fl. Franç., ed. 3. 1805.




Uotila, P. (2011): Chenopodiaceae (pro parte majore). – In: Euro+Med Plantbase - the information resource for Euro-Mediterranean plant diversity. Atriplex prostrata DC.. Accessed through: Euro+Med PlantBase at http://ww2.bgbm.org/euroPlusMed/PTaxonDetail.asp?UUID=DC670732-771C-46F2-A86A-52F219188BA5




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2011-02-07 by Uotila, P. (2011): Chenopodiaceae (pro parte majore). – In: Euro+Med Plantbase - the information resource for Euro-Mediterranean plant diversity.

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