11 scientific names found with following ranks: Species

Scientific Names:

  ·  Salicornia pusilla
  ·  Salicornia pusilla (Hook. f.) E. S. Marshall
  ·  Salicornia pusilla sensu Greuter, W., Burdet, H. M. & Long, G. - Med-Checklist 1 Genève & Berlin 1984.
  ·  Salicornia pusilla sensu Kent, D. H. - List of vascular plants of the British Isles 1992: 384.
  ·  Salicornia pusilla sensu Lambinon, J., Delvosalle, L. & Duvigneaud, J. - Nouvelle Flore de la Belgique, du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg, du Nord de la France et des régions voisines, Ed. 5 Meise 2004.
  ·  Salicornia pusilla sensu Meijden, R. van der - Heukels' flora van Nederland, Ed. 23 Groningen 2005.
  ·  Salicornia pusilla sensu Preston, C. D. & al. - New Atlas of the British & Irish flora 2002.
  ·  Salicornia pusilla sensu Stace, C. - New Flora of the British Isles, Ed. 2 1997.
  ·  Salicornia pusilla sensu Sukhorukov, A. & Uotila, P. (2007) - Additions and corrections to the alien Chenopodiaceae flora of Finland and the adjacent Russia - Memoranda societatis pro fauna et flora fennica Helsinki 83: 53-58.
  ·  Salicornia pusilla sensu Tutin, T. G., Burges, N. A., Chater, A. O., Edmondson, J. R., Heywood, V. H., Moore, D. M., Valentine, D. H., Walters, S. M. & Webb, D. A. - Flora Europaea, Ed. 2 1 Cambridge University Press Cambridge 1993.
  ·  Salicornia pusilla sensu Webb, D. A., Parnell, J. & Doogue, D. - An Irish Flora Dundalk 1996.